"The US’s first and only World Heritage City (joining the ranks of Cairo, Paris and Jerusalem)"
"Philly’s on a roll"
"NYC’s more neighborly neighbor"
These are just a few of the phrases Lonely Planet used to show Philadelphia some love last month when announcing the Best Cities in the US, where Philadelphia tops the list.
Philadelphia is an incredible city, offering something for everyone. Because it is our own backyard, it's easy to be wow'd by the allure of other destinations and forget that we have a world-class city at our fingertips. Accolades like this one from Lonely Planet make it easier to remember and appreciate all that we have here.
On a personal note, I was ecstatic to see that this list included both of my homes: Philadelphia at #1 and Alaska at #5! Both places hold a very special place in my heart, Philadelphia as my current home, and Alaska as my former home and frequent stop in my travels.
Mazda Miles leads a team of results fanatics as Chief Event Strategist at Perfection Events based in Philadelphia, PA. She also blogs about her entrepreneurial journey at Confessions of an Entrepreneur.